Scheduling Research Appointments, Library Instruction, and Study Rooms
You can request a consultation appointment with your personal librarian. (S)he will help you with your research needs. You are also able to reserve study rooms. Faculty may also request that librarians provide library instruction.
Library instruction is one of the core services provided by the library. Students learn how to effectively and efficiently use research tools and techniques. Whether attending library instruction sessions or utilizing our online tutorials students acquire critical thinking and problem solving skills by learning how to select and evaluate books and electronic databases based on credibility, relevancy, authority, accuracy, and purpose.
If you have any questions or would like to make suggestions regarding library services or resources, please let us know at (678) 359-5076 or . Click Personal Librarian Program tab to get started.
Click your librarian's name to set up appointment for the personal librarian program. | |
Beth Pye | Education, History, Human Services, Humanities, Fine & Performing Arts Psychology, and Nursing & Health Sciences |
Carla Fredd |
Business, Criminal Justice, FIRE, Political Science, Sociology, Math, Computer Science, Engineering & Natural Sciences |
Not sure who to select |
If you would like to conduct historical research or view memorabilia stored in the College Archives, make an appointment to meet with the College Archivist, Beth Pye. Sample items stored in Archives include: TAP yearbooks, trophies, school uniforms, letters, photographs/portraits.
Hightower CLC & Library Study Room Rules
Read ALL room reservation rules before submitting a request. Clicking "submit" is your acceptance of ALL rules. Failure to follow the rules may result in forfeiture of future study room usage.
- Study Rooms:
- Reservations can be made online or via mobile phone by visiting the library website and clicking Study Room Reservations. Only Gordon State students with a valid email address are allowed to make reservations. Once a reservation is made, the student will receive an email to confirm the reservation. The student must confirm the reservation within 15 minutes of receiving the email to complete the reservation process. You may use your confirmation email to verify your reservation in the event a conflict may arise. Conflicts will be resolved by the library staff at the Circulation/Checkout Desk.
- Library staff will not provide information about rooms reserved to others.
- Are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Reservations may be made up to 1 day in advance
- Reservations may be a maximum of 4 hours or less per day
- See room description on reservation site for maximum room capacity.
- Are for use by Gordon State College students for course related, library purposes and study only.
- Are not to be used for clubs, recreation/socializing, regularly scheduled meetings or for campus departmental business including meetings with classroom instructors observing office hours.
- Must be vacated by all students and all belongings removed before leaving the room.
- Study Room Users:
- Acknowledge that you accept library study room usage policy.
- May reserve a room for a two hour period.
- May reserve the room one additional time provided no groups have submitted a reservation for the same room at the same time.
- Must occupy room within 15 minutes of reservation otherwise library staff may cancel reservation.
- Only 1 person can occupy individual study rooms labeled ‘i’
- Only 2+ people can occupy group study rooms labeled ‘g’. Individuals will be asked to leave.
- At least 2 group members must be present before occupying group study room.
- Must maintain a moderate noise level – rooms are not 100% soundproof, and loud talking disturbs other users in adjoining rooms and outside the rooms.
- Are responsible for their personal property at all times, and should never leave items unattended. The library is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property. Items left unattended room will be removed and given to Public Safety.
- May not move additional furniture into any study room.
- Are responsible for leaving the study room in good order for the next users.
- Must vacate room 15 minutes before library closing time.
- Must erase all writing from writable surfaces.
- Must throw away all trash.
- May not have full meals or greasy, smelly foods or ice cream. Only snacks and drinks allowed.
- Failing to abide by Library Study Room policy will forfeit the right to use the study room.
- Should abide by the Gordon State College student code of conduct found in the Gordon State College Academic Catalog or
- Who continually abuse this policy may be reported to the Student Affairs Office.
- Must vacate the room on time. If the room is not vacated on time and is reported to the library staff three times, the student will be banned from using any study rooms for the remainder of the current semester.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Library Study Rooms, our policies, or the new online reservation system, please contact the Library Staff at (678) 359-5076 or stop by the Circulation/Checkout Desk.
Select appropriate link for making study room reservations.
Library instruction is one of the core services provided by the library. Students learn how to effectively and efficiently use research tools and techniques. Whether attending library instruction sessions or utilizing our online tutorials students acquire critical thinking and problem solving skills by learning how to select and evaluate books and electronic databases based on credibility, relevancy, authority, accuracy, and purpose.
With this in mind, it is a pleasure for us to teach your students how to conduct library research. We are able and willing to help them develop lifelong learning and research skills they can begin to use now. Please take a few minutes to complete the online request form so we may schedule your instruction session.
The following rooms are available
- Classroom 1 Room 226 & Classroom 2 Room 227 (each seat 30)
Use of the library classrooms without a librarian will be approved on a case-by-case basis. Priority will be given to faculty working with their students on a research project or faculty who request a very brief (usually 15 minutes) library overview.
Requests for library instruction to be held in the professor's classroom or off-site location can also be made. Be sure to select desired location 'Library Instruction Offsite' then follow directions below. If time seems to be unavailable submit anyone then email Beth Pye (
Directions for Library Instruction Requests or Room Reservations for Research Only (no librarian needed). Access form by clicking here.
- Select date and time for desired room
- Scroll to bottom of page and click 'continue'
- Click 'submit time slots'
- Complete library instruction request form
- Check email to confirm or cancel reservation
Please allow up to 48 hours for confirmation. Thank you.